Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
America's 40th President

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Another Gov. Bill?

From National Review online comes this piece on New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and his chances in '08. With Evan Bayh stepping aside, there may be room for a 'centrist' Democrat, especially one with Richardson's pedigree.

Another Gov. Bill to the White House?
Could Richardson do it?
By Jonathan Martin
If there were a presidential candidate available who had deep experience in both state and federal government, the executive and legislative branch, and foreign and domestic affairs, would he be rated among the top of the field? How about if the same candidate had the retail political skills to match his policy experience and came from a bellwether state in a battleground part of the country? And what if this person had the sort of national contacts that are a must to raise the significant sums necessary for a run for the White House. And did we mention he’s part of the nation’s fastest-growing ethnic group, is bilingual, and has a record of getting crossover votes?

We speak, of course, of Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.

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