Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
America's 40th President

Thursday, January 4, 2007

John McCain "Prisoner of Conscience"

"Vanity Fair's" Todd Purdum writes a lengthy article about his travels with McCain during the mid-term elections. While lengthy, it will give the reader some insight on the Senator and will leave probable GOP primary voters with mixed emotions.

Prisoner of Conscience
"Given his popular status as a maverick war hero, John McCain has a good shot at winning the 2008 presidential election—if he can get his party to nominate him. But one minute he's toeing the conservative line (on gay marriage, say, or immigration) and the next he's telling someone what he really thinks. "
by Todd S. Purdum February 2007
"The audience is just the kind that makes John McCain feel most alive: a couple of thousand fresh-faced, corn-fed college kids still idealistic enough to believe an Honest-to-God American Hero who tells them that they can, and should, strive to serve a cause greater than their own self-interest. The setting is the Stephens Auditorium at Iowa State University, in Ames, and the questioner is Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball, who is pitching an hour's worth of interrogatories to the American media's favorite politician.
It is three weeks before midterm elections that will prove to be a decidedly mixed bag for McCain. His party will experience the electorate's repudiation of the war in Iraq, which McCain has always supported, and at the same time the voters will repudiate the cozy and corrupt Washington culture as a whole, which McCain has always loathed. Matthews wants to know McCain's views on the prevalence of gay people in all walks of life, a subject whose predicate is the scandal involving Representative Mark Foley and his come-hither instant-messaging with congressional pages. "Should gay marriage be allowed?," Matthews asks."

For the rest of the article, click here.

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