Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
America's 40th President

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Statements on the Passing of President Gerald Ford

Quotes About Former President Ford
Wednesday December 27, 2006 6:16 PM
By The Associated Press

Comments about former President Gerald R. Ford, who died Tuesday at 93:
``The American people will always admire Gerald Ford's devotion to duty, his personal character and the honorable conduct of his administration.'' - President George W. Bush.
``An outstanding statesman, he wisely chose the path of healing during a deeply divisive time in our nation's history. He frequently rose above politics by emphasizing the need for bipartisanship and seeking common ground on issues critical to our nation.'' - Former President Jimmy Carter.
``To his great credit, he was the same hard-working, down-to-earth person the day he left the White House as he was when he first entered Congress almost 30 years earlier.'' - Former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
``Jerry Ford was, simply put, one of the most decent and capable men I ever met. ... Most of all, I will remember him as a devoted family man and a man of honor who never stopped serving this country he loved so deeply.'' - Former President George H.W. Bush.
``History will honor Gerald Ford as a good man who became the respected leader of the Free World in unique times.'' - Patricia Nixon Cox, daughter of former President Richard Nixon.
``He was a friend to everyone who met him. He had no enemies.'' - Former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., Ford's 1976 running mate.
``Jerry was warm gentle, friendly, pleasant courteous individual. He never used bad language, he loved his family, his kids and above all else he loved Betty.'' - Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., who served with Ford in the House.
``Jerry loved his country, his family and his religion. No other man I know of had so much affection for his family.'' - Former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird.
``I worked in President Ford's Justice Department and was struck by his steady leadership, honesty, and sense of responsibility to his country. He was a true profile in courage.'' - Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
``Thirty-two years ago, he assumed the nation's highest office during the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War. In that troubled era, America needed strength, wisdom, and good judgment, and those qualities came to us in the person of Gerald R. Ford.'' - Vice President Dick Cheney.
``Our country was fortunate to have such a man dedicated to public service who performed his responsibilities with distinction. President Ford was a unifier, a statesman, and more importantly, he was an everyman instead of a typical Washington politician. He was one of us.'' - House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

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