Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan
America's 40th President

Sunday, December 24, 2006

"Clinton, Obama Clearing The Field"

In light of Senator Edwards' decision, Dan Balz of the Washington Post writes of Clinton and Obama "beating back would-be rivals." He points to Senator Evan Bayh's recent decision not to run in 2008, among other things. So the question is this: is the Democratic field for '08 quickly becoming a two candidate field?

Clinton, Obama Clearing The Field
Without Declaring, They Beat Back Would-Be Rivals

By Dan Balz Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 24, 2006; Page A01

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), trading on star power, the capacity to raise tens of millions of dollars with relative ease and an ability to dominate media attention, are rewriting the script of the 2008 Democratic presidential campaign, driving potential rivals to the sidelines and casting a huge shadow over all others who may run.

What once shaped up as a sizable field of Democratic candidates is now shrinking. Sen. Evan Bayh (Ind.) announced on Dec. 16 that he would not seek the Democratic nomination, a surprising decision that came just days after he witnessed firsthand the megawatt voltage of Obama's drawing power in New Hampshire. As Bayh drew small crowds on his seventh trip to the Granite State, Obama enjoyed sold-out audiences and saturation coverage on his first.

Bayh became the third Democrat to quit the race before Clinton or Obama have taken formal steps to enter. Former Virginia governor Mark R. Warner and Sen. Russell Feingold (Wis.) abandoned their bids after lengthy periods of exploration. All chose not to run for their own reasons, but Obama's sudden emergence creates a significant obstacle to those hoping to become the alternative to front-runner Clinton in the Democratic nomination contest.

"Simply put, it's the Obama factor," said Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart. "Obama's entry into the presidential race essentially raised the ante. Candidates who used to do careful exploration with the hope that they could catch fire in Iowa and New Hampshire and move from there recognize that there's no oxygen left out there for their candidacies."

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